Weight % is a way of expressing the concentration of a solute in a solution as the mass of solute per mass of solution. This calculator converts the weight % into molarity (M), which represents the concentration of the solute in moles per liter.
The formula for converting weight percent to molarity is:
\[ \text{Molarity (M)} = \frac{\text{Weight \%} \times 10}{\text{Molar Mass (g/mol)} \times \text{Volume (L)}} \]
Example: You dissolve 0.9 g NaCl in 100 mL of solution. The molar mass of NaCl is 58.5 g/mol.
First, convert weight % to g/L: 0.9% = 9 g/L.
Then, calculate molarity: Molarity = (9 g/L) / (58.5 g/mol) / 0.1 L = 1.54 M NaCl.
Also, the amount of NaCl required to prepare 1 liter of a 0.9% solution is 9 g.
Element | Symbol | Molar Mass (g/mol) |
Hydrogen | H | 1.008 |
Helium | He | 4.0026 |
Lithium | Li | 6.94 |
Beryllium | Be | 9.0122 |
Boron | B | 10.81 |
Carbon | C | 12.011 |
Nitrogen | N | 14.007 |
Oxygen | O | 15.999 |
Fluorine | F | 18.998 |
Neon | Ne | 20.180 |
Sodium | Na | 22.990 |
Magnesium | Mg | 24.305 |
Aluminum | Al | 26.982 |
Silicon | Si | 28.085 |
Phosphorus | P | 30.974 |
Sulfur | S | 32.06 |
Chlorine | Cl | 35.45 |
Argon | Ar | 39.948 |
Potassium | K | 39.098 |
Calcium | Ca | 40.078 |
Scandium | Sc | 44.956 |
Titanium | Ti | 47.867 |
Vanadium | V | 50.942 |
Chromium | Cr | 52.00 |
Manganese | Mn | 54.938 |
Iron | Fe | 55.845 |
Cobalt | Co | 58.933 |
Nickel | Ni | 58.693 |
Copper | Cu | 63.546 |
Zinc | Zn | 65.38 |
Gallium | Ga | 69.723 |
Germanium | Ge | 72.63 |
Arsenic | As | 74.922 |
Selenium | Se | 78.971 |
Bromine | Br | 79.904 |
Krypton | Kr | 83.798 |
Rubidium | Rb | 85.468 |
Strontium | Sr | 87.62 |
Yttrium | Y | 88.906 |
Zirconium | Zr | 91.224 |
Niobium | Nb | 92.906 |
Molybdenum | Mo | 95.95 |
Technetium | Tc | 98 |
Ruthenium | Ru | 101.07 |
Rhodium | Rh | 102.91 |
Palladium | Pd | 106.42 |
Silver | Ag | 107.868 |
Cadmium | Cd | 112.414 |
Indium | In | 114.818 |
Tin | Sn | 118.710 |
Antimony | Sb | 121.760 |
Tellurium | Te | 127.60 |
Iodine | I | 126.904 |
Xenon | Xe | 131.293 |
Cesium | Cs | 132.905 |
Barium | Ba | 137.33 |
Lanthanum | La | 138.905 |
Cerium | Ce | 140.116 |
Praseodymium | Pr | 140.907 |
Neodymium | Nd | 144.242 |
Promethium | Pm | 145 |
Samarium | Sm | 150.36 |
Europium | Eu | 151.984 |
Gadolinium | Gd | 157.25 |
Terbium | Tb | 158.925 |
Dysprosium | Dy | 162.500 |
Holmium | Ho | 164.930 |
Erbium | Er | 167.259 |
Thulium | Tm | 168.934 |
Ytterbium | Yb | 173.04 |
Lutetium | Lu | 175.000 |
Hafnium | Hf | 178.49 |
Tantalum | Ta | 180.947 |
Wolfram | W | 183.84 |
Rhenium | Re | 186.207 |
Osmium | Os | 190.23 |
Iridium | Ir | 192.217 |
Platinum | Pt | 195.084 |
Gold | Au | 196.967 |
Mercury | Hg | 200.592 |
Thallium | Tl | 204.38 |
Lead | Pb | 207.2 |
Bismuth | Bi | 208.980 |
Polonium | Po | 209 |
Astatine | At | 210 |
Radon | Rn | 222 |
Francium | Fr | 223 |
Radium | Ra | 226.028 |
Actinium | Ac | 227 |
Thorium | Th | 232.037 |
Protactinium | Pa | 231.035 |
Uranium | U | 238.028 |
Neptunium | Np | 237 |
Plutonium | Pu | 244 |
Americium | Am | 243 |
Curiun | Cm | 247 |
Berkelium | Bk | 247 |
Californium | Cf | 251 |
Einsteinium | Es | 252 |
Fermium | Fm | 257 |
Mendelevium | Md | 258 |
Nobelium | No | 259 |
Lawrencium | Lr | 262 |
Rutherfordium | Rf | 267 |
Dubnium | Db | 270 |
Seaborgium | Sg | 271 |
Bohrium | Bh | 270 |
Hassium | Hs | 277 |
Meitnerium | Mt | 278 |
Darmstadtium | Ds | 281 |
Roentgenium | Rg | 280 |
Copernicium | Cn | 285 |
Flerovium | Fl | 289 |
Moscovium | Mc | 288 |
Livermorium | Lv | 293 |
Tennessine | Ts | 294 |
Oganesson | Og | 294 |